Psychotherapy is offered in German or English language. Psychoanalysis is dedicated to expore the relationship to oneself and others. Unconscious patterns can be discovered and changed through careful therapy work. Specific symptoms can occur when you feel stuck or are confronted with new life challanges: exhaustion, nervousness, anxiety or psychosomatic complaints (see more here) can be straining. In individual therapy (see more here) you will discover the causes of discomfort and pain and activate new forces to feel at ease with yourself again.

CoViD-19: Therapy is possible online or in practice adhering to CoViD-19 saftey measures: You and I wear a FFP2 mask, regular surface desinfection, and frequent air ventilation, I am getting Antigen tested once a week. You do not need a negative Antigen test for every session, but regular testing is advised.

Psychoanalytic therapy takes place 1-2 times a week and last a couple of months.
Classic psychoanalysis on the couch lasts for longer periods and takes place 3-5 times a week.

After a few meetings we will decide together upon length and focus of therapy.

Arrange an appointment here